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Get Energy, Focus
& Momentum 
in only 7 Days?

Welcome to Advanced Self Care



Glow & Grow Testimonials

Relaxed Woman

"Aeryana is one of the wisest, most knowledgeable women I’ve met, who has a deep passion to understand the human condition to holistically (and almost supernaturally) view and see though it all to find each person’s (or couple’s) core and hand them exactly what they need. I know this is a big statement, but: she is a powerful healer on every level; her compassion, understanding of mind, body and spirit is seemingly endless and always growing. Her Ayurvedic healing practices and foods plan (healthy, easy, AND absolutely delicious!!!) unique-to-you routines in exercise, meditation, and deep self-help understanding will have you in the best condition yet and feeling great!  For me, she has been a life saver... I still often make Kitchari according to her recipe (altered by her to be its best for my body), and not only enjoy every bite, but always feel more balanced after.   

I recommend her to people across the world who I meet (Skype calls), because there just isn’t anyone who can put all the pieces of the puzzle together like she can."

Catheryn Kennedy -  Freiburg, Germany

Simplify Your Self Care

with Holistic Cleanse Rituals from Glow & Grow Complete Cleanse

the way we relate is ACTUALLY rooted in our gut, nervous system and mindfulness rituals
Your gut health affects hormones, mood, resilience and the ability to focus steadily but it also governs the radiant lustre in the skin, eyes and hair. Your whole body and mind are connected. With your Glow & Grow cleanse, you achieve more with less moves, less money and less time investment.
build resilience: seal up your energy leaks, free yourself from survival mode​
Not enough time, energy or will to complete what is truly essential, lately?  Prevent future thieves of your time and energy by building up your immune health. Gut health is immune health which you can sustain much more easily with Glow & Grow than patching life together during or after a cold or coping with poor gut health.
decode your mood, focus and energy cycles with harmonizing rituals customized just for you!
You can use the 7 Day Glow & Grow Challenge to curate lasting rituals that make sense for your unique mind-body type using the wisdom of over 5000 years of tested and proven Ayurvedic wisdom. Your cleanse rituals are part of a larger self-care ecosystem traditionally used to decrease ageing and restore the body from energy, mood and focus thieves that modern life endorses. Discover the signals your body is using to tell you what it needs to thrive.

restore your GUT-BRAIN CONNECTION so you can LIVE, love and lead WELL

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